The officials of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) have complained of the “toxic work environment” and public humiliation in the organisation under chief Madhabi Puri Buch. In a letter to the finance ministry titled “Grievances of SEBI officers – A call for Respect,” the...
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There’s a new term buzzing in the corporate world that may soon become a routine jargon. It’s called ‘Stress Bragging’ also known as ‘Busy Bragging’ and refers to the acts of some individuals who frequently boast to co-workers about their high stress level or workload to extract sympathy and...
The key is finding the right balance between the benefits of technological advancements and the potential pitfalls of digital overload. With a thoughtful approach, companies can turn the challenges of the digital age into opportunities for growth.
With long stint in the industry I found organisation may be about twenty percent impact for an Employee but it’s the Boss who makes eighty percent impact on the Employee. If the Boss is good eighty percent of the problems do not exist for the employee. Organisation matters much less as...
Creating a safe and healthy work environment is essential for both the general success of a business and the welfare of its workforce. To this end, industrial-organizational psychology (I-O) provides insightful analysis and useful tactics. Organizations can create a safe and supportive work...
In the fast-paced world of real estate, staying ahead means anticipating future needs. Talent management is at the forefront of this challenge, tasked with ensuring the right people are in place to drive success. But how do HR professionals navigate this complex terrain? Enter predictive...
FROM THE Editor'S Desk
A workplace where people from diverse backgrounds, demographics, values, beliefs, and ideas come together to work for a common objective is bound to have different opinions and disagreements. Studies have indicated that the majority of employees at the global level face some conflict in the...
In the era of continuous technological advancements where technical skills life span is becoming shorter, and professionals are advised to upgrade themselves, the people skills at the workplace keep the professionals different and most valuable. Actually, people skills are invaluable. It can be...