Author - Anil Kaushik

A Management thinker, Educator, Motivator, Guest Speaker of Management Institutes, Consultant, author of labour law books and President of Indian HR Forum, with about three decades of deep rooted understanding, Floor experience and research in HRM Area and Training has led many organizations to a path of productivity, performance and profits with business linked HR strategies.

Strategic Partner

This anniversary issue that reminds us of our big journey entering in to its 27th year of publication is all about documenting the transformation and reshaping of the Learning & Development function. The veterans, industry experts, and HR professionals have provided 360-degree insights into the...

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Holistic development, not mere ratings

The future of work is not very certain. However, it is believed that the future workforce will be more fluid i.e. contractual and gig. This will catalyse the importance of bringing changes in performance management process. Traditional methods such as annual reviews and goal setting may no longer...

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Beware of Slip

When we talk of leadership in business organizations, society, or the nation at large, it brings hope of some positivity that is capable of bringing qualitative change in organizations or people at large. Leadership has many faces and so the consequences. Be it business, political, spiritual, or...

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Consistency is the Key

As businesses continue to evolve in today’s fast-paced world, the HR landscape is also undergoing significant transformations. In order to navigate these changes and stay ahead of the game, HR professionals need to adapt and embrace emerging trends and technologies. Staying ahead in the ever...

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Shift in mindset

Embracing the principles of humanising work requires a shift in mindset and a commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment. By doing so, organizations can build a culture that empowers individuals and drives sustainable success.

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Driving result oriented change

No one can deny the universal fact that change, be in society or business at large, is inevitable. Time has forgotten those who did not change according to needs. Answer of survival is hidden in eagerness to adaptability according to situations. It is the people at the nucleus who change themselves...

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Rewiring With Tech Tools

No doubt that HR function has undergone a huge transformation in past decades and has been able to meet with changing requirements of business without ignoring or leaving aside the basic tenets. Technology has also impacted the function. Use of Artificial Intelligence powered software in people...

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Act with intent!

Recent two incidents (videos) of a bank manager and another of a finance company manager making rounds in social media shouting, abusing, intimidating and insulting their subordinates in meeting should be enough to break the myth that bullying in modern workplaces where culture of employee first is...

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