Labour Law

Labour Codes need to be given decent burial !

Even before the implementation of the Labour Codes as already enacted but not implemented, India is going to be the hub of the manufacturing sector in the years to come. Investors from all over the world are ready to make the huge investment that will impetus to the economy of the country. US...

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Transfer-A tool to Stablise or Victimise?

The purpose of transfers is to stabilise employment in the organisation. Transfers should be made as a matter of policy after an employee has stayed on a job for a specified period. Such rotation from one job to another serves as a tool for developing versatile workers.

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A lot has been written about new four Labour Codes about its implications and impact on industries and workforce. In this article Author throws light on certain untouched areas of labour codes which seem having element of ambiguity which could have been removed at the earlier stage, confusion and...

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4 days working and its side-effects

We are passing through an era of new changes in many areas and changes in existing archaic labour laws also is contentiously on the anvil. It is hoped that the idea of 4 days working, if so, would be based on a thoughtful consideration of its pros and cons.

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Long working hours reduce life expectancy

Monday blues are the serious warning signs that everything is not fine after free weekends. According to a survey conducted in European countries, the cases of heart strokes occur more on Mondays than on any other days because employees feel unduly stressed with the feeling of going to offices and...

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Labour Codes will increase the CTC

Once the new labour Codes are made effective, restructuring of salary will be imperative keeping in view the new definition of wages, leading to increase in CTC. From April, when the next financial year begins, and the Labour Codes are introduced, the employers will have to restructure the wages of...

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November 2024

Tech & Human Equation

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