Varun should demonstrate mindful leadership

Varun should demonstrate mindful leadership

The case “Wheeling Up the Lockdown Road-Blocks” is not a case in isolation but represents almost all businesses and sectors — post lockdown. Except for a few sectors like digital economy, e-commerce, retail, FMCG, healthcare and pharmaceutical that have been able to convert pandemic induced economic threat into opportunity, almost all other sectors have seen a steep decline in bottom lines and have accepted the new normal. Perhaps, given the Indian consumer psyche associated with festive indulgence and restricted public mobility through public conveyance, automobile sector – for both new and used – has registered the fastest recovery post lockdown in the non-essential category.

In this backdrop Highway Movers (HM) is just another ‘spoke in the wheel’ of the automobile dealership sector. However, as an independent identity enjoying leadership position in the competition landscape, HM has to not only ensure sustainability and swift growth path for self but also lead optimism...

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Tanjul Saxena

Management & Education Consultant at META AIDE

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