Leaders Must Cultivate an Agile Culture

Leaders Must Cultivate an Agile Culture
Where a leader is transitioning from toughness to toxicity, adversely impacting employee morale, HR must assume a crucial role in orchestrating interventions to rectify the situation to mitigate the negative impact.

How do you define the leadership traits one must have for addressing future challenges and needs? What kind of new set of critical skills should modern leaders embrace to remain relevant?

MA Navigating the quick-changing business landscape interlaced with geo-political challenges and operating in the VUCA world requires effective leadership traits demanding adaptability, resilience, and a visionary outlook. The dynamic nature of today’s business environment demands leaders who embody a unique set of traits and skills.
Adaptability, in my opinion, is a crucial quality for leaders. It is essential to be able to handle unpredictability and rapid changes in market trends, technology, and international dynamics. Leaders must cultivate an agile culture in their organisations, promoting ongoing education and creativity.

Collaboration is another key trait for addressing future challenges. In an interconnected world, leaders must break down silos and promote cross-functional collaboration. This collaborative approach fosters...

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Madhur Aneja

is CEO & Managing Director of Sage Group - Gluhend India, Sage International, Jayco Manufacturing & Trident Components.

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