Labour Laws are not meant to be exploited by greedy ones

Labour Laws are not meant to be exploited by Greedy ones
The labour laws have been made to do the injustice undone to workers by employers and not to allow the greedy charlatans to misuse them to harass the employers.

The desire is unending. The more one gets, the more one desires. This is a human weakness. It is very aptly said that ‘Yeh Dil Maange More’ (This heart desires more). It does not mean that any curb should be imposed on the wings of the human ambitions to soar high. In fact, it is the vision grounded on the reality that has been mainly responsible for achieving the lofty goals. Our Industrial jurisprudence may really sound strange to most of the people, wherein a senior manager of a bank getting salary of Rs.58,339 per month has been held to be a ‘workman’ under section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, and the management had to even pay Rs. 1,07,73,736/- by way of the compensation. Thus, it becomes clear that any procedural lapse on the part of the Human Resource Managers results in heavy costs to the organisation. Such lapses generally occur mainly due to wrong legal advice. Therefore, it is imperative on the part of the Managements that they follow the expert legal procedures.


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H.L. Kumar

is Advocate, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. He has also been former Law Teacher in University of Delhi.

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H.L. Kumar

is Advocate, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi. He has also been former Law Teacher in University of Delhi.

February 2025