Impediments in Work Culture and what Spoils

Impediments in Work Culture and what Spoils - Bhaskar Dharival
In present scenario, every organisation want to get in to the newer world but struggles in getting out of older world. And the belief that whatever has had worked in past for organisational success will continue to work in a similar manner, is the biggest trap and hinders innovation and in enhancing the overall Organisational Culture.

“If your High Performers are disengaged or show little enthusiasm that is a red flag that your organisation is toxic.”

We always listen that culture in any organisation is always a top driven but here I would like to state that “Work Culture is something, a group of people derive at” and no Culture is permanent and cannot be changed.

Many organisation are very good at celebrating the success whereas they rarely celebrate the failures. Those organisations, who can celebrate both with open hands and heart, tend to attract and retain good talent.

A Toxic Work culture is the biggest reason for High performing employees/talent to leave the organisation. Now the question arises, what are the key contributors, which makes the Organisation Work Culture Toxic?

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Bhaskar Dharival

is seasoned HR & ER Professional with 18 Years of proven track record in various facets of HR. He is awarded by President of India in the Year 2000* for President Scout and presently associated with SUN Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., as Site HR & Administration Head Halol, Vadodara Plant.

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Bhaskar Dharival

is seasoned HR & ER Professional with 18 Years of proven track record in various facets of HR. He is awarded by President of India in the Year 2000* for President Scout and presently associated with SUN Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd., as Site HR & Administration Head Halol, Vadodara Plant.

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