From onboarding to offboarding, create practices that support DEI

From onboarding to offboarding, create practices that support DEI -Pavithra Urs
The benefits of a diverse workforce not only provide social harmony at work for the employees, but also increase productivity and profitability that will help the organisation to succeed in the global marketplace.

What is your perspective about the state the DEI in Indian Organisations? Is it limited to lip service in most of the cases to talk about and little is happening at ground?

PU The onset of globalization has led to a demographic shift, with increased mobility in migrant employees travelling to the four corners of the globe for career progression and the need for a talented and skilled workforce is becoming increasing high, resulting in diversity becoming a key driver in economic growth across the world.

The benefits of a diverse workforce not only provide social harmony at work for the employees, but also increase productivity and profitability that will help the organisation to succeed in the global marketplace. Without an inclusive culture, you simply compound your diversity issues with retention challenges. If your culture doesn’t welcome and develop adiversity of backgrounds, experiences, and ideas, what else can make the new hires exciting? Every company will claim to be a meritocracy, but it takes an honest look at...

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Pavithra Urs

is Author, HR Thought Leader, Global HR Professional

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