It is a Strategic Imperative For Long-Term Success

It is a Strategic Imperative For Long-Term Success
It requires strong linkages with business requirements and a supporting culture. Talent strategy starts becoming powerful and impactful when the linkage with business numbers is established clearly and measured consistently.

What shift do you see today in the talent management landscape regarding attracting, recruiting, and retaining talent in organisations?

PA 2024 presents a challenging yet transformative landscape for talent acquisition and retention. By recognising and acting upon emerging trends, embracing human-AI collaboration, prioritising skills-based hiring, ensuring pay transparency and equity, and investing in internal talent development, organisations can attract and retain high-performing individuals, fostering a thriving and sustainable workforce.

Attracting and retaining top talent is no longer optional, but a strategic imperative for long-term success.
McKinsey’s 2023 study reveals a concerning 39% of employees across seven countries planning to switch jobs within the next three-to-six months. This alarming trend highlights the disconnect between employee expectations and organisational practices.

The workforce is currently in search of more than just jobs; they are looking for opportunities that provide favourable...

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Preeti Ahuja

is currently associated with Atlas Copco as a HR Leader. She is a seasoned HR professional with 18+ years of experience in shaping the organizational culture, nurturing progressive employee relations, driving inclusive culture, talent & organizational development. She brings diverse industry experience across many organizations. She has also been confered with professional awards.

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Preeti Ahuja

is currently associated with Atlas Copco as a HR Leader. She is a seasoned HR professional with 18+ years of experience in shaping the organizational culture, nurturing progressive employee relations, driving inclusive culture, talent & organizational development. She brings diverse industry experience across many organizations. She has also been confered with professional awards.

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