Bringing a shift in organizational architecture and all-time high dependence on technology

Bringing a shift in organizational architecture and all-time high dependence on technology
The employee value proposition shall undergo a change due to lessened In-Person proximity with talent and thereby leading to evolved employee engagement strategies in line with remote working.

How do you visualize the new normal of work and workplace beyond covid?

SM It has been more than six months and the world is still struggling to contain the Covid spread and its adverse impact on human race. It has created an economic and labour market shock; it is also impacting organizations adversely with respect to financial viability, employability, and workplace culture. The organizations activated “Business Continuity Plans”, driven by a dedicated unit of team members in alignment with official health guidance and government advisories.

Whilst the corporate world was predicting and warming up to transformation, the covid crisis took it by a storm and consumed the working pattern and behaviour in no time. All these changes are abrupt and have happened in no time. It is now that the organizations are caught up in a VUCA (Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous) situation, more than ever. This has forced the organizations to shift to...

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Samriti Malhotra

Vice President - Global HRD at Denave, Noida

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Samriti Malhotra

Vice President - Global HRD at Denave, Noida

February 2025

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