2020 Speaks – Expressions and Reflections

2020 Speaks - Expressions and Reflections
LinkedIn report states from Gen Z to Baby Boomers and beyond, good talent will prove ageless. (Ref- linkedin-2020-global-talent-trends-report). Grab every opportunity to evolve as a resilient professional. Reboot, reset and re-program your system to evolve.

A lot has been talked about 2020 and yet we must choose to believe the key lessons for us were indeed plenty! Irrespective of the profession, culture, geography we come from, the year 2020 has been evidently inclusive in ensuring humankind receives the ultimate message of a peaceful survival through covid-19 event across the globe; 2020 has essentially proclaimed that humans are an extremely responsible part of this Universe and this Universe requires us to march in unison with all lively beings for a fulfilling co-existence.

In 2020, organizations rolled out multiple initiatives to engage employees, wherein the key theme was obviously about dealing effectively with the challenges caused due to the pandemic. One of the quick-wins was speaker sessions by the seasoned leaders, who shared their views and great insights about how to deal with such a unique year of this century despite them being about half a century old! Well! That is exactly what leadership is about, your ability to envision the road ahead and...

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Neetubala Raina

is a Leadership Coach and a freelance writer. She works for an American MNC as a Director for Talent and Learning Experience.

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Neetubala Raina

is a Leadership Coach and a freelance writer. She works for an American MNC as a Director for Talent and Learning Experience.

February 2025

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