Skill Set For Managing Resources


The current business trend is seriously hunting for techniques and tools to finding solutions to some more pressing issues of start-ups in the ace of break-even cost for a sustainable leadership position in the market. All start-ups may not succeed and may end up with failure.

A break-even point for the volume of production can determine the desired results. Also having abundant capital will not yield what we wanted from the business unit unless driven by the cost benchmarks of resources consumption. Gap between the benchmarked cost and the actual cost of operation provides clues for taking up action by the management. Core functions of managing the business constitute human resources management., money management, control of materials utilization, logistics planning, production and maintenance, marketing management and more.

This book offers effective tools to streamline these functions. Further to add a sample manufacturing unit an example of a cement plant is considered. Why a cement plant? Cement is a raw material of growth. No country can progress without this commodity. For a developing country cement is essential; it is a core-sector industry.

Most countries have cement plants irrespective of whether they have the raw materials for manufacturing it or import them. Upon realizing the importance of cement, I have collected some critically important technological information to serve the industry interests towards promoting growth and development.

Exclusive case study focusing on activity-based cost benchmarking in a cement plant, manpower management in manufacturing and service industry, innovative strategy for achieving minimum material consumption for packaging industry, and logistics management are some of the success drivers highlighted in this title. A case study method has become the dominant subject. It was initiated by Harvard School of Business. Today new business models are emerging and app-based solutions are in demand. People need to touch, feel and experience reality of the techniques of optimization process and learn to grow in the competitive environment. This book will add value to your set-up and help innovate the thinking towards managing the business and industry. It is very useful for business management students, teachers, professionals and practicing managers.

Business Manager

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