1) Within 05 yrs. of its inception, M/s. Monkey IT solutions, emergently captured the market of IT business by creating a culture of openness, people centric approach & a business module of fewer margin with large sales volume. Meher Sen, the newly joined Product Manager (PM) saw employees also using social media sites during office hours. Sen had bitter experience that affected the business margin in his previous company. He was not in favour of this kind of work culture. This practice has always been a matter of discussion in Corp. Inc. “Does organisation allow employees to use social media while at work place by using the company/personal devices? As social media usage turn out to be a quotidian habit for countless employees in many Organisations, this is not only concern of M/s. Monkey IT solutions that gets incessant care. Employers regularly have to deliberate the pros and cons to banning happenings at the workplace that are apparent to have a undesirable sway on productivity. This specific subject is one that has diverse thoughts on...

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