Discussion ON “Diversity and inclusiveness: Challenges and Way Forward”

On the occasion of 55th Foundation day of Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD), a virtual panel discussion was organized on April 10, 2024. The program was organized by the, Indore Chapter in association with Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya.

The panelists were Ms. Rama Shayam, (Programme Director, EHSAS, at SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) NGO, Mumbai), Dr. S. Anand Reddy (Head L&OD, Hetero, Hyderabad) Dr. Pankaj Chavda (Head HR, L&T – MHI Power Boilers Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat).

Ms. Hareen Kaur Bhasin (Head HR, Nway Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Indore). The session was moderated by Dr. T.K. Mandal (Professor, SVSM and Coordinator SVIC, SVVV). Session was coordinated by Ms. Dipali Saxena (Member, ISTD Indore Chapter).

Dr. Santosh Dhar (National Council Member, ISTD Indore Chapter and Rector & Dean, Faculty of Doctoral Studies and Research) highlighted the various activities conducted by Indore Chapter which includes One MDP (Management Development Programme), SDP (Student Development Programme), Guest Lecture, Skill Development Programme. Besides that, all the agenda are discussed in the monthly meeting conducted on every last Saturday of the month. Dr. Santosh Dhar in her address expressed D&I can help businesses to become more creative and supportive of different voices which gives the biggest opportunity to business to become sustainable. Guests were introduced by Dr. Rishu Roy, Chairperson, ISTD Indore Chapter.

Dr. Upinder Dhar (Former National President ISTD Indore Chapter and Vice Chancellor, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyala, Indore) highlighted that organizations should make policies which helps to integrate diversity and inclusion (D&I) at workplace. Diversity without inclusion will breed toxic cultures and inclusion without diversity will make the organization stagnant. He also emphasized on diversity training to make employees aware about diversity and inclusion. D&I efforts will reap benefits if it is supported by the management and cascaded from the policy makers and leaders. Mr. Atul Shah (Regional Vice President, ISTD) congratulated team of Indore Chapter and recognized them for their commitment.

The first panelist was Ms. Rama Shayam. She narrated that D&I is about agreeing to Disagree. D&I concept is deep rooted in history, relevant presently and will be mandate in near future. We as human beings have to rise above narrow structure and religions and combat discrimination at workplace and our country’s legal constitution have strong foundation to support D&I. Dr. S. Ananad Reddy through an anecdote that we must give priority to the performance. Also, one of the biggest challenges is to measure the output of Diversity training. He also highlighted that Diversity is the choice and inclusiveness is a decision. However, it is very difficult to remove the unconscious bias. Dr. Pankaj Chavda highlighted the benefits of diversity and giving the example of his organization, he explained how gender diversity is becoming better than before especially in the manufacturing sector. He shared various researches wherein diversity has indirectly enhanced organizational performance. Ms. Harleen Kaur Bhasin shared the biggest advantage of D&I lie in attracting a wider talent pool. However, various challenges like language barriers, perceptual errors sometimes lead to conflict.

Dr. T.K. Mandal moderated the session and raised the question that diversity is by choice or now a days rooted in the system design. He pointed out “Affirmative Actions” can help promote diversity by ensuring equal employment opportunities and breaking down barriers to level the playing field. The panel discussion concluded with Dr. Mandip Gill (Vice Chairperson, ISTD Indore Chapter) expressing gratitude for the cooperation extended by managing committee of ISTD Indore Chapter for making this panel discussion very relevant for ISTD members, faculty members and students of SVVV.

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