How important are people skills for managers in their career growth and why do organisations and managers not pay much attention in comparison to functional skills? GB Actual people skills are the only thing that gauges individual career growth. Employee growth only depends on the skill put he/she...
- Assam Revises Minimum Wages w.e.f. 01/06/2024
- Rajasthan Private Security Agencies Regulation Amendment Rules 2024
- Employees deposit linked Insurance Scheme (second amendment) 2024 dated 18.11.24 made effective from 28.04.2024
- Revised Haryana Minimum Wages from 1.07.2024
- Delhi Minimum Wages Rates Revised w.e.f. 01-10-2024
- UP Govt. Guidelines for Women Safety
- Government of Punjab Extends 24/7 Exemption in Shops and Establishment